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It's what's on the inside that counts.

Yumberry Juice powder is added to our signature Original Yumberry Bowl and is also available as an add-in to any other products available on our menu. Yumberry is a small yet tasty berry from China that tastes like a cross between a raspberry and pomegranate juice with many health benefits. It is high in Vitamin C and contains many organic healthy acids and antioxidants. From this magical berry is where our name derives... YUMBERRY BOWL.



Yumberry Juice Powder has been known to.....

  • Fight free radicals! OPC is said to fight oxidation 50x better than vitamin E and 20x better than vitamin C.

  • Reduces your blood pressure and protects your heart health.

  • Lower bad (LDL) cholesterol.

  • Protects your eyesight and reduces your risk of cataracts.

  • Strengthen your cell membranes.

  • Fight inflammation and associated diseases such as arthritis.

  • Yumberries are rich in vitamin C and contain multiple organic acids. Yumberries aid in saliva secretion, and   will clear up hard digested food in your stomach. They also prevent body sugar from becoming fat.

  •  Yumberry Juice can help slow the degeneration of collagen, thus supporting the natural structure of the     skin and slowing premature aging.

  • Tummy problems? Try some Yumberries!  They help with bellyache and can also inhibit E.Coli too.


Questions? We are happy to answer them!



We Strive to provide a distinctively refreshing, nutritionally beneficial, bowl of super-foods, to make the planet a happier, healthy place.


Yumberry Bowl has more than just the well known Acai and Pitaya as superfood bases that you will find in many Acai Bowl shops. We stand apart by offering 3 other superfood base options (Goiaba, Graviola and Acerola) that are packed with nutrition and are beneficial for many health issues. It's a bonus that is tastes A M A Z I N G !  You can substitute any base option that you prefer and throw in any add-ons you desire. We are happy to customize your bowl to your needs!  We strive to provide a healthy alternative to fast food as well as give our customers a food that is not only delicious but extremely good for you!  Click below to see the health benefits of our Superfood Base Options

Check out all of the many Options we offer


Base Options

Bowls are made with recommended superfood base options, unless specified. Loaded with nutrients, vitamins and minerals with a variety of health benefits. 

Options Are:






Liquid Base


Apple Juice

Pineapple Juice

Orange Juice

​Yum Mix (Pineapple Juice + Coconut Milk)
Hemp Milk
Chocolate Almond Milk
​Almond Milk

Coconut Milk



Goji Berries + Cocoa Nibs
Flax Seeds + Chia Seeds
Chocolate Chips
Cocao Nibs
Hemp Hearts + Bee Pollen
Yumberry Powder
Kale + Spinach
​Toasted Coconut

Almond and Peanut Butters



You can really kick up the heath benefits of your bowl or smoothie by adding one of these add-a-scoop nutritional supplements.  These additions are tasteless, so they won't effect the flavor of your bowl, but they'll still work their magic.

Check Out our Segment on KDRV's "In the Kitchen"

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